Saturday, November 19, 2011

3 Months Old :)

Piper is getting SO BIG!

She officially holding her head firm and steady all on her own. She still loves to stand and locks her legs and pushes HARD! It's crazy how strong she is... She is smiling more than ever - and has the cutest grin :) We've managed to keep her happy and healthy - no extra trips to the pediatrician yet - knock on wood. She likes her car seat and the car less and less. I'm beginning to wonder if it just doesn't soothe her like it soothes other babies? She especially despises car rides at night - is she afraid of the dark? Too warm all bundled in the car seat? Maybe it's just a phase... or maybe this is a sign that all car rides will be difficult?? I guess we couldn't get a *perfect* baby now could we?!? LOL!

Piper certainly loves the sound of her father's voice. Tyler has one of the booming voices that really fills a room when he speaks. He commands attention and Piper is especially distracted if I'm trying to get her to focus on other activities, like eating... She recognizes his voice from across the room and scans any crowd to locate him. It's very sweet - she's obviously a daddy's girl already - he's lucky he got her this early ;-P

We haven't heard the sweet sounds of real giggles just yet, but we're close! We can't wait to see her really crack up... Her latest fascination is the monkey mobile her Grandma Stacie and Grandpa Jon bought her. They have the same one at their house and she just STARES intently for several minutes at a time as the monkeys cruise around in circles to the tune of Rock-A-By-Baby. It's really precious to watch her focus on something for that long. You can tell she's trying so hard to comprehend what on earth it is and how it works... and where the noise is coming from...

We had our first Halloween (complete with black cat onesie, orange and yellow striped socks, and a balck glittered tutu), needless to say... we're still finding glitter in the oddest of places :) We also had our first video-chat with Grandpa Butchie and Grandma Kili (Kris). Technology is so awesome. I love that they can see their granddaughter in action from 1500 miles away... and hear her coo's... and that she can begin to recognize their faces and voices so she understands they are present in her life more than just once or twice a year when we actually get to visit in person.

We're so excited for more upcoming "firsts"; we have a trip planned to Sedona with Nana and Don (her first night away from home) and then its right on to Thanksgiving and Christmas! What an amazing time in our lives - we are so GRATEFUL!

And a final note I just can't forget to mention... mommy's favorite... I just love when her eyelids begin to turn purple (a sure sign that she's exhausted - and a BIG help to a new mom). Her eyelids get so heavy and she just passes out in my arms. What a life!

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed today @ 3 mos. :)