Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New House...almost!

It's been entirely too long since I've blogged... my... where does the time go?

I've been increasingly overwhelmed with all the stories and events I want to blog... our wedding preparation, our wedding itself, our honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, etc. that I've simply been avoiding writing at all! LOL

But - Tyler and I are super excited about our most recent purchase :) Another house!! This is our "dream" home. Our "family" home. A place our kids will know their whole lives and come home to for the holidays and summers when they are in college. Where they'll bring their husbands/wives and our grand kids. A place where family and friends and can gather for holidays and events and feel comfortable... enough space for everyone to move around!

For now - it's still just US - but it won't always be that way, so we're looking ahead to the future and this purchase marks a new chapter in our lives together - officially - as husband and wife.

So, we know what you're thinking... it doesn't look like much! LOL

It's a brand new build in a sough-after neighborhood just down the street from where we are now, called Morrison Ranch. We're approximately "Stage 3" of 5 stages of building... so near the end, but not to be without dust and building noise for at least another 2 years or so :)

We purchased the corner lot (#563 on the map above), which gave us an extra 150-200 square feet of space in the back and side yard. I think the most thrilling part of this whole process has been choosing the things WE want, like the elevation, color, cabinets, flooring, features, etc. Here's just a taste of what's to come outside and inside our new home:

We chose the cobalt blue/charcoal gray Craftsman elevation
(a throw back to my pacific northwest upbringing)

Tile, Grout, Cabinets, Granite Counters


We chose the gray/black swatch to hide dirt, spills, and traffic patterns!

Bathroom vanities throughout will be this cultured stone
with white under-mount sinks

Here are the floorplans
(click each image to see a larger version)

You can also watch a virtual tour of the model home here.

We'll continue to share the progress as the house is being built... if all goes according to plan, we should have keys in hand no later than February 28th (just in time for our birthdays!!)

What a fabulous adventure this will be - thanks for sharing it with us.

1 comment:

Jana said...

sooooo excited to see the new house! maybe i can see the old house before you move? :)