Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ok... I missed week 4... WEEK 5: One Weekend - Two Shots (challenge)

I already missed a week... and the fourth week... its still early in the game, darnit! Oh well... onto week five we go :)

We've been busy! We're having the house painted (we've also painted some ourselves), I'm working on all kinds of projects - nick-knacks for the house, photos for Grandma and Grandpa, digitally creating parent albums with photos from our wedding, we're selling a bunch of stuff on craigslist, and we've been trying to fit in as much time for friends and family as possible.

Tyler's cousin Eric and his wife Kory and their two boys, Cooper and Jake, were in town the weekend before last... here are some fun family shots from our day by the pool :)

Nothing else new to report... hopefully by next week I'll have made more progress on some of my projects so I can share them with you :) Tata!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

WEEK 3: One Weekend - Two Shots (challenge)

Hurray! I finally finished my art installation (the one I mentioned a couple weeks ago) and it looks awesome on the wall :) I'm happy with it, and Tyler likes it, too.

Clearly, we still need some paint on the walls... and I might put some moulding around it to make it "pop off" the wall and look more like one piece. But I need more time to think about it :)

My second picture (or subject) for this past weekend is my Mother-in-Law, Stacie. This is GREAT picture of her - one of my favorites on record! We went to PF Chang's to celebrate her NEW JOB!

I'm so proud of her for taking the leap and leaving a company that treated her horribly and took advantage of her. She's 55 and embarking on a new journey with a company that is nothing short of amazing to their employees. She's working for EDMC - like Tyler! She'll be a Financial Aid officer and likely won't work in the same building with Tyler for at least 6 months, but nonetheless, she's on the road to a much more positive working experience and we wish her the best!

Dinner was a great time to celebrate and to catch up with family.

Hope you had a great weekend and I'll see you next week with more photos and updates!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WEEK 2: One Weekend - Two Shots (challenge)

OK - I'm still here. Still taking photos. That's a good sign. I might be able to stick to this after all. Here are my two....err....three shots from the weekend:

Paint is happening. We're so excited! Thank you Stacie and Jon for the buckets of paint as our housewarming gift... we wouldn't be anywhere near this phase if not for you :)

Our Entry - BEFORE

Our Entry - AFTER

I love the drama the dark color creates, especially at night. The majority of the house is staying light, open and airy, but I just had to have some kind of dramatic entrance - lol! Our friend and painter, Rob (let me know if you're interested in his services - he's amazing!) is doing a great job. He's quick and very affordable. He'll be here all week, so I'm sure by next weekend, I'll have more before-and-afters to share.

Window tint is getting done tomorrow at 7am sharp and shutters are due in from China in about 4 weeks... it's coming together. Privacy will be a very welcome amenity to have again :)

Oh T.G.I.Friday's!

This is the exact location where Tyler and I met 6 years ago... it's since burned down and amazingly, this corner of the building is all that remains, and you can barely make out where the sign used to sit... the wood behind faded from the blazing Arizona sun.

We're hopeful our marriage won't burn to the ground as this building has... ;-) We have very fond memories of this place and our bartender, Jason. As far as we know, he left years ago.... so Jason - we hope you're safe out there doing something you love.

All good things must come to an end.... and our time at Friday's is no exception. Here's to new places, people and experiences!

R.I.P T.G.I.Friday's.