Thursday, July 15, 2010

WEEK 3: One Weekend - Two Shots (challenge)

Hurray! I finally finished my art installation (the one I mentioned a couple weeks ago) and it looks awesome on the wall :) I'm happy with it, and Tyler likes it, too.

Clearly, we still need some paint on the walls... and I might put some moulding around it to make it "pop off" the wall and look more like one piece. But I need more time to think about it :)

My second picture (or subject) for this past weekend is my Mother-in-Law, Stacie. This is GREAT picture of her - one of my favorites on record! We went to PF Chang's to celebrate her NEW JOB!

I'm so proud of her for taking the leap and leaving a company that treated her horribly and took advantage of her. She's 55 and embarking on a new journey with a company that is nothing short of amazing to their employees. She's working for EDMC - like Tyler! She'll be a Financial Aid officer and likely won't work in the same building with Tyler for at least 6 months, but nonetheless, she's on the road to a much more positive working experience and we wish her the best!

Dinner was a great time to celebrate and to catch up with family.

Hope you had a great weekend and I'll see you next week with more photos and updates!!

1 comment:

meg said...

Looks amazing...can't wait to see it in person!!! :)